Saturday, June 06, 2009

BOOKS: Library Sale

Today's fabulous finds at the library's annual used book sale:


  1. Kay, Loved your book finds! I have a question about one of them. This one: "Women's Diaries of the Westward Journey," by Lillian Schlissel. Can you tell me when it was written? I am wondering if that is a book I have been trying to remember for a long time. (for some writing I am doing). That would be a really weird synch, if I finally found the book name through one of our Cafe members! so cool... oh, suppose I should go look it up in google but just as soon as I read the title I had to write this ;-)
    have fun with your new books. for me, I like this find more than the perfect iron skittle, although that was pretty cool too.

  2. Sandi: I'd added links to all the books on Amazon. I hope this helps you on you quest.

  3. yes, it did! I noticed how today's post had them. you are SO COOL! thanks a bunch. It was not the one I was looking for but sounds so interesting I may find it at library to borrow.
    I DO want to say, your library has A LOT more interesting books than my library sales ever do ;-)
    Ours are usually books no one wants unless you are there the first day.
